Welcome! I mostly write in my mother language Chinese Mandarin, in case you need a translation,just leave a request message, I will be more than glad to help.

Saturday 3 March 2012


(A)第一次发酵面团(老面)/Starter Dough:
      温水(40度C)Warm water …………150克
      即发酵母/instant yeast……………2茶匙(tsp)
低筋麵粉/Superfine Flour…300克(杂货店卖的散装蓝玫瑰牌包粉(TEPUNG PAU/有的人称为TEPUNG ROSE),或烘培材料行卖的HONG KONG FLOUR 都可以)

(B) 第二次发酵面团/ Sweet Dough:
       第一次发酵面团/starter Dough………整份/All
       低筋麵粉/superfine Flour…80克
       澄粉或玉米淀粉/Corn starch……70克
       细砂糖/糖粉/Fine sugar…………70~80克
       豬油或食油或白油/Lard or Shortening/corn oil…………30克
      双发粉………1大匙(12g)/Double Action Baking Powder or baking powder, 无法取得就以普通发粉取代。

(C) 馅料: 随意。包子的馅料随个人口味而定, 可以包进咖椰, 咖哩鸡肉/猪肉, 沙葛, 素料等等。
Filling of your choice: Kaya, curry chicken/pork, etc..

A.  老面做法/Starter Dough:

For the starter dough, dissolve the instant yeast and sugar plus a tablespoon of flour in the warm water.

Leave the mixture for 20minutes to confirm if  the Yeast is active


3.  After confirming that the yeast is active, slowly stirring in the rest of the flour, knit to form a soft dough. Covered and proof for 4~ 6 hours at a warm place.


4~6 Hours later, rice wine aroma is smelled

 B. 甜面团/Sweet Dough:
  1)1。先把 12g的双发粉加入玉米粉粉及低筋面粉过筛待用。

 2) 接着把(B)材料的细砂糖, 水,油等材料加入已经發酵了4~6小时的(A)面团中 ,搓揉至糖溶解。

3) 最后加入筛过的(1)干粉类,仔细揉15~20分钟至光亮不黏手。

1. Mix and sieve the double acting baking powder with corn starch and superfine flour first and keep aside.

2. Add all other Ingredients B of  water, oil and sugar to the starter dough and  mix well until the sugar dissolved.

3. Combine the flours and dough,knit the dough on a clean working table until smooth and non sticky.

揉包子面团的手法: 把面团放在撒了一些面粉的工作檯上用点内劲推搓成长条型, 再折三折成团, 再重复推搓到面团光滑不黏手即可。 (影像不是很清晰,抱歉!)

不断重复搓长, 叠折,搓长的动作, 至面团不黏手为止
 Knit for 15 ~ 20 minutes or until dough is smooth, elastic and non sticky. Round up, covered with a large basin,rest for 10 minutes.

4)      休面后把面团分成12份,一一滾圓。/Divide into 12 portions and roll up into round ball

5)      壓扁,包入1份餡,約25~30克。包緊。/ Flatten the dough ball and wrap in the filling of your own choice.  点击以下链接看看大师们包包子的手法:  师傅教你包包子 柳叶包子手法漂亮包子手法,  完美的包子手法  

    6)墊包子紙,排在蒸籠裡,盖起,置放在溫暖處(炉灶旁)。过了15~20分钟后才开始在蒸锅内烧1500~2000cc的开水。蒸鍋内的水燒大滾后(大约10分钟时间),把叉燒包上籠用中大火蒸12~15分鐘即可, 注意蒸笼盖子要盖紧密,别漏气。/Line the baozi with a piece of baking paper, rest for 15 ~ 20 minutes before steaming with rapid boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes.

要做 咖椰馅包子,咖椰必须先冷藏凝固后,比较容易操作。





注意: 要保证作出软绵的包子皮, 就必须要先确定酵母菌的活跃性。 把酵母菌轻撒在40度C的温热面粉糖水上, 15分钟后, 如像右图的景象, 就证明说酵母菌是活的。 左图的就显示酵母菌已经过期失去活跃性了, 不能用了, 必须倒掉换过一批新的。  Yeast has to be proof first before use to guarantee a successful bao making. The right picture shows an active yeast whereas the left picture shows an inactive yeast which has to be discard and replaced.

小贴示:如果天气冷, 可利用家里的烤箱当发酵箱: 把烤箱预热2分钟, 关掉电源, 在烤箱内置入一大杯的沸水, 把装着面团及加盖的盆子放入烤箱内发酵。 如果杯子内的热水冷了, 取出面团的盆子,再重复预热2分钟的动作,及换过一杯沸水。

 包子皮要蒸的好, 有几个要点:

1. 蒸锅的水蒸气要够多。
2. 包子不能过度发酵, 所以您第一锅还好, 第二锅开始, 包子已经发酵过度了, 所以蒸后会死硬,变成有点透明状。
3. 要蒸出松软的包子皮, 皮要有一定的厚度(大约要有4~5mm的厚度),不能杆的太薄, 否则会出现死皮的现象。
4. 如果因为蒸锅不够大而包子需要分批蒸的话, 包子就需要分批制作。 我是用2层的竹蒸笼, 一次过可以蒸20个包子。如果大日子需要制作大批的包子, 我会分2批次来和面团, 分2批次来制作包子, 这样就比较保险了。

如果您会常制作包子, 建议您投资2个竹蒸笼, 保养的好可以用十多年都不会坏, 蒸出来的成品效果也会比较好, 不会有滴水的问题,您肯定不会后悔的!工欲善其事, 必先利其器。

还有一个法子是用炒锅来蒸, 但是要很注意的是水位不能太高, 要距离有孔的蒸盘最少2吋(6cm), 避免水滚騰时浸到包子底部。


  1. Hi, I do enjoy reading your kitchen diary, love all the steps with pictures. Most importantly you have the heart to do it for your family. I wish my wife have such heart too.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. Well, maybe your wife has other interest other than cooking for the family. Or maybe with the husband and children taking part together in the kitchen will change the perspective of cooking and baking in the kitchen, just make it fun.

  3. 想问下,哪一个的成品食谱是您最满意的呢
