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Thursday 3 May 2012

咖椰 / Homemade Kaya (smooth version)

咖椰有分乾浓及幼滑两种, 我自己比较喜欢幼滑的口感, 在此与大家分享香兰口味的咖椰。 要制做幼滑的咖椰, 唯一所需要的就是爱心。  因为有了爱心, 才会有耐心的站在炉火旁不停的搅拌2个半小时, 就是为了做出一锅孩子及老公所喜爱的会流淌的咖椰。。。。

鲜挤浓椰浆/Fresh Coconut Milk - 1000g
砂糖/Sugar - 750g ~ 850g
红糖/黑糖/Red Sugar - 2汤匙/Tablespoon
蛋/Egg - 14 颗(大颗/Large)~ 16颗(小颗/Small)(蛋的数量决定咖椰的浓稠度/More eggs means thicker kaya)
盐/Salt -1/2茶匙/Teaspoon
香兰叶/Pandan Leaves - 5 片

1.  将椰浆倒进厚底锅内, 加入糖及盐, 用慢火煮至糖充分溶解就可离火, 千万别煮沸。把甜椰浆放置一旁,让它降至室温才继续下一步。Dissolve sugars and salt in santan in a heavy bottom saucepan over low flame. Do not boil the mixture.  Leave the fully dissolved mixture to cool down to room temperature.

2.  把蛋液打散后慢慢搅拌均匀,注意别打出泡沫,因为会影响口感。再把蛋液倒进放凉的甜椰浆内拌均。Beat the egg mixture slowly, do not create much foams. Pour the egg mixture into the cooled santan/coconut milk mixture and mix well.

3.  最后把充分拌均的才料过滤, 倒进一个陶锅内。(最好是使用陶锅, 效果比较好)Sieve the egg and santan/coconut milk mixture into a clay pot for double boiling.

4. 在个稍大的外锅内烧开热水, 放进个铁架, 或厚毛巾也可以, 垫着陶锅。水量要足够淹没半至少个陶锅。 用慢火慢慢炖煮。 Boil some water in a larger pot (Outer pot for double boiling). Water must be enough to submerge at least half of the clay pot. Put a metal pot stand or a thick towel into the outer pot to line the clay pot for double boiling over low fire.

5.  要注意不停搅拌,大约2小时后, 放进打结的香兰叶,继续搅拌半小时至咖椰浓郁(总共需要最少2个半小时). 注意咖椰放凉后会更加浓稠。Stir mixture continuously for 2 hours before adding in the knotted pandan leaves. Continue to stir the kaya for another half an hour or until the desire thickness is achieved. (Kaya becomes thicker when cooled down)

6.  放凉后装罐。三天内吃不完的份量要先收在冰箱里, 因为没有下防腐剂, 要先收好。Seal and keep the portion of kaya which you will not consume within three days in the refrigerator once the kaya is cooled to maintain the freshness.


1.  制作幼滑咖椰一定要有耐心, 外锅的水滚后,千万别再用大火, 高温度的情况下, 咖椰里的蛋液就会结块哦!
2.  购买鲜椰浆时, 可要求小贩另外开过新的椰子, 而且要确定椰肉挖出来后别过水或清洗, 因为制作幼滑的咖椰最忌水,碰到水的话蛋液就会煮成蛋花,制作出来的咖椰就会变得粗糙, 有的人会用搅拌器把粗糙的咖椰再加工搅成幼滑, 但是这种做法的咖椰口感肯定有差别。
有的小贩为了提高椰浆量, 会提早把椰肉挖出来浸泡在水内一些时候后才用来挤椰浆。这样的椰浆肯定不能作出幼滑的咖椰。 邱妈咪多数时候都会补钱要求小贩另外再挤过“特级”的椰浆。

3.  还有另外一个方法就是把装着椰浆的塑料袋吊在洗碗盆上一些时候, 就会看到椰浆和水分离成两层,下层是水。 这时用剪刀把塑料袋的尖角剪破个小洞, 让水慢慢流出, 等到水流完后, 马上把洞口按着, 留下来的就是纯椰浆啦。

4.  买不到鲜挤的椰浆, 可以用盒装的椰浆取代。 AYAM BRAND的盒装椰浆不错用。

1.  Be patient if you want smooth kaya, turn down the flame to low fire once the water in the outer pot is boiling.  High heat makes the egg mixture become lumpy.

2.  Use only pure santan/coconut milk which is not diluted with water. Some vendors tend to soak the coconut flesh in water before squeezing the milk for more volume to increase their revenue.  This kind of coconut milk will never produce silky smooth kaya because the water content will create coarse kaya texture. Some people will double process the coarse kaya with a blender but you can tell the difference if you have ever tasted a real silky smooth kaya before. And the consistency is also so much different.
I usually ask the vendor(Buying form her for years) to make me premium grade santan/coconut milk by paying her an extra RM2 premium.  

3. Or else you can just leave the ready santan/coconut milk purchased in the plastic bag for an hour or so. When layers of santan and water are formed, hang the plastic bag over the washing basin, puncture a pin hole at one of the plastic bag's corners to drain the bottom layer water and quickly pinch the hole to hold back the remaining santan when all the lower layer water is drained.  

4.  You can also use tetra packed santan to make kaya if fresh coconut milk is unavailable. Ayam brand is good.

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