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Saturday, 24 March 2012

自家萃取凡尼拉香精酒/Home Infused Vanilla Extract Liqour

自己在家萃取的香草豆/Vanilla香精酒的香味及口感,真的是市售几块钱的人造Vanilla Essence无可媲比的。对于因宗教因素或某些特有因素而禁酒的人们, 其实也可以在家薰制凡尼拉糖来取代香精酒, 效果也是不相上下的。。。。。

A bottle of the market sold artificial Essence of Vanilla can never be compared to a bottle of home infused Vanilla Extract in Liquor.  The aroma is simply so pleasant and full of charm. But for those who are forbidden  to consume liquor, may it be religious or some other reasons, the alternative is to make your own Home Infused Vanilla Sugar for consumption, i.e. for baking, beverage and etc..and the result is still so aromatic......


1.  1000cc的酒, 需要用到大慨15~30条凡尼拉荚香草豆/香草莢。 把凡尼拉荚的头尾剪掉(别丢掉, 可以用个小玻璃罐来浸酒的,香味效果也一样迷人),然后打直剪开, 再放进酒里, 在黑暗处浸泡至少3个月就行了。如果酒罐不够高, 就把凡尼拉荚剪成两段再来浸泡。 浸泡过的凡尼拉荚是可以再循环浸泡2~3回的, 只是酒量要斟酌逐回减少一些。 可以把循环使用后的凡尼拉荚风干后埋在糖罐内用来薰制凡尼拉香糖, 凡尼拉糖无论是用来冲泡饮品或是做蛋糕, 效果是一流的哟!  最后还可以把风干的凡尼拉荚搅打成粉, 加入食品内烹调, 一点也会不浪费。

1.  To infuse a bottle of 1000cc extract of vanilla, you will need about 15~30 vanilla pods and a bottle of Vodka or RUM. Just cut off both ends of the pod (Do not discard the ends as you can infuse them in a small tiny bottle of Vodka or RUM, no wastage please)。 Then cut the pods length wise, submerge them in the liquor, keep at dark cupboard for at least 3 months before harvesting the extract.  If your liquor bottle is short, cut the pods into halves. You can repeat the infusion for another 2 ~ 3 rounds, but using less liquor after each round. After you have had enough vanilla extract, you can always bury the used pods at the bottom of your sugar jar to make vanilla sugar for beverage and baking purpose.  At last, just grind the dried used vanilla pod into powder form for adding into bakery produce.

2.  酒的选择, 最好是选用高品质的Vodka酒, 我是选用瑞典进口的纯酒(春节时买的,配来了孙悟空72变造型的酒罐,看来连洋人都要配合中国人的节庆啦!春节过后再去买一罐, 哇! 打7折耶, 可能是酒罐过时了, 要倾销。。。)要注意市面上有不少都是本地酒商再调制过的廉价酒, 购买时要小心看清。  如果没有Vodka的话, 可以选用一些甜口味的酒, 比如说朗姆甘蔗酒(RUM)的效果也不错, 价格也便宜多了。

 左边是浸泡了4个月的Vodka酒,而右边这罐是刚刚浸泡下去的, 看看酒的颜色, 越久色就变越深。
The left bottle of  Vanilla Extract in Vodka has been kept for 4 months and the right one has just finished the pods submerging  process. Compare the colour of the different bottles of liquor and you will find the liquor's colour darken over time.

凡尼拉/香草豆的使用数量不拘,数量比较多的话, 浸泡出来的香精酒就比较浓,使用时用量就不用这么多。

注:  邱妈咪现有代售A等级的有机凡尼拉荚, 每包RM60(内有10条), 2包RM115, 免邮费(只限马来西亚)。 有意购买请在留言板留言,将电邮联络方式。
Mommy Khoo is a reseller of Grade A Organic Vanilla Pod.  Priced at RM60 per pack of 10 pods; 2 packs at RM115. Free postage within Malaysia.  Anyone interested please leave a message at the comment column for further contact via email.