老一辈的潮州人很讲究好意头, 过年过节的时候都喜欢做上一道菜头糕(潮州人称萝卜为菜头), 取个好彩头,曰『彩头高』。
邱妈咪喜欢自己磨米浆制作糕点;量多时用低转速的磨浆机,量少时则用高速搅拌杯,为的是尽量避免家人吃下一堆附加在粘米粉内的防腐剂。还有一点就是用自己磨的米浆制作出来的糕点,口感是现成粘米粉制作媲比不上的, 这可能是和米的品质有关吧!
大米(选用黏性低的大米,建议用高膳食纤维的糙米,比较养生)– 250g/或粘米粉250g
水 – 400g
澄粉 (小麦淀粉)– 50g
树薯淀粉 或玉米淀粉 - 25g
B. 配料(份量随意):腊肉切细粒,腊肠切细粒,虾米末,香菇末。(不建议用太多的配料导致喧宾夺主, 抢了萝卜的味道。 做出的糕变成了腊味糕而不是萝卜糕了。)
C. 调味料: 盐2茶匙或适量, 糖2茶匙, 胡椒粉适量, 麻油适量(随意)
1。 把糙米或白米洗净后用350g的凉水浸泡6小时。 (米洗干净后会吸收了50g的水份,所以现在只需要用到350g的水了)
2。 把米及浸泡用水一起放入搅拌杯内打成米浆。 如果你的搅拌杯小,就只好分两次处理了。
3。 把米浆倒入大碗内, 加入澄粉及树薯粉搅拌均匀,再加入1茶匙细砂糖及1/2茶匙的食盐,拌匀待用。
1. 把白萝卜洗净削皮后刨成粗丝,刨丝时萝卜丝会渗出水,也可以拌入一半的糖及盐让萝卜渗出水,记得别挤压萝卜丝。渗出的萝卜水别丢弃,留起待用。
4. 10分钟后开盖,这是萝卜已经变透明了,拌入已经爆香的配料, 撒些胡椒粉拌匀,熄火。
5. 把米浆稍微先拌一拌, 然后慢慢倒入热锅里的萝卜丝混合料中, 一面倒入米浆一面迅速搅拌均匀。 这时候米浆遇热就会变得浓稠。
6. 把拌好半熟的混合料装入预先搽了食油可蒸煮的容器内, 再用个背后涂了油的汤匙或饭匙把凹凸不平的糕面推抹平滑。
7. 把容器放入已经上汽的蒸笼内,中大火蒸60分钟以上。(糕蒸的越久就会越Q,不会黏牙,所以老一辈的人一般蒸糕都会蒸两个小时以上,潮州人称为"耗火"。 (如果你不是用竹蒸笼,而你的金属或玻璃蒸笼盖会滴水的话, 建议用个金属盘或盖子把萝卜糕盖起才蒸, 避免糕面坐水糊烂)。
8. 60分钟后, 要确定萝卜糕蒸熟了没, 只需用竹签插入糕中间, 拉出来后尝尝没有没粉粉的口感即可。 (如果蒸2个小时,萝卜糕肯定熟的,这一步可以省起来了。)如果已经糯滑了那代表糕已经熟了。
9. 盖起再蒸5分钟后熄火, 焖10分钟后才开盖取出。
10。 要切片再来煎成金黄的萝卜糕必须等摊凉后才切片,不然会太软,一刀切下去整块萝卜糕散掉。
11. 建议最好把摊凉后的萝卜糕放在保鲜盒内密封收在冰箱里隔夜才切片煎,口感才会比较好。
12. 也有人喜欢蒸后马上吃, 那就建议分装成个人份的小盅, 蒸好后用汤匙挖着吃。
13. 可以准备一些干炒萝卜干(甜菜脯),香脆花生米,红葱酥,芹菜末,红椒末及葱花撒在煎至金黄的萝卜糕上上, 做出一道赏心悦目,秀色可餐充满色彩的点心。
邱妈咪先在切好成块的萝卜糕表面扑上一层干的玉米淀粉,才下锅用小量油干煎。煎好的萝卜糕要置放在架子上散热, 底部才不会回潮软湿,保持香脆。
因为比较喜欢焦脆的口感, 所以糕煎的比较‘赤’
1. 水量可以跟随自己对萝卜糕的口感硬度增减,自己多试验几次,找出自己认为最完美的比例。 建议量少试作,半份就好。还有萝卜的含水量不一,有一种原生种瘦瘦小小的萝卜,味浓水份小,刨丝时没有渗出水, 那么焖煮时就要加半杯的水补充水份。
2. 所用粘米粉对淀粉(澄粉+树薯粉)的比例越高, 糕体就会越硬实。 反之则越糯软。有的人全部用米粉(325g), 不加淀粉。 有的人则米粉9份(290g)对淀粉1份(35g)的比例。
3. 你可以试验加些糯米粉取代淀粉,或用面粉取代树薯粉或取代全部的淀粉,试试不同的口感,找出你及家人最喜爱的口感,因为口感是很个人的。
5. 如果你有个功率大的粉碎机, 可以把米自接粉碎成面, 过细目筛子后加入淀粉拌匀, 再加凉水调开备用。
HI Angie
ReplyDeleteJust to ask u if u use non stick wok/pan. What brand is good...if u have come across any good one.
Ha..ha, it seems that you have asked the right person. For your info, I have bought , tried and throw away not less than 10 expensive non stick wok after they were peeled and scratched, until I finally bought this VERY GOOD, but cheap in price if you are a member,Made in Korea "Wellohas Quantanium Fry Pan" from Cosway Malaysia. They come in 2 sizes, 28cm and 32cm. I bought both sizes.
DeleteAnd I bought total 4 pieces of the 28cm pan, one to use at home, one for my sister in law, and one each for my sons who study in Canada (one in Vancouver and one in Montreal)
Hopefully you are a Cosway member, if not, you can use my member ID and my RP(Redemption Point) to purchase from the Cosway Outlet through out Malaysia, give me your contact.
Thanks Angie. Yes I am member too... I thought of getting green pan but I better trust u since you bought so many of the pans.
ReplyDeleteHi Angie,
ReplyDeleteWhat do u think about the comments that "Quantanium" is not safe too....
Dear Leia,
DeleteThank you for sending the info link.
As you can read from the post, the actual danger is from the fume of over heated food. We need to reach a very high temperature to decompose the Quantanium's substance, and before this very high temperature is reached, the food is already burnt. So it is very unlikely we can reach such high temperature for normal cooking.
Beware to maintain moderate temperature when cooking, then it would be safe to use non stick pan. Even you use normal cast iron pan or wok without non stick coating but cook at high temperature like those professional cooks with flame burning in the wok, it is also equally if not more dangerous.
The actual culprit is the high heat cooking temperature!
Info sharing : The temperature to release dangerous PTFE fume is 350 degree C, so it is unlikely for us to reach such temperature in normal cooking, the oil in the pan would be on fire before this temperature is reached. So no worries.
DeleteBut if you are worry, then you have to stop using all teflon coated utensils. Not only quantanium, but all teflon non stick coating like iron, heaters, pizza pans, and a lot more....
DeleteChoose the normal cast iron or stainless steel utensils.
Thanks Angie for giving in depth explanation to my worry. I don't like to use a lot of oil in my cooking and that is the reason getting a non stick wok/pan. I want to fry fish but using very little oil and only non stick can do the trick. I am comfortable now after reading your detailed reply. Thanks for your kindness. Hv a good day.