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心动不如行动,让我们大家一起开动。。 |
新年快到了, 肉干是新年送礼的热门礼品之一,可以说没有一个小孩是不爱吃肉干的。 如果懂得制作窍门,其实做肉干真的一点也不难。可以知道有很多妈妈们会说: 哎呀! 不用这么麻烦啦! 买来吃就好了啦, 我哪有这么多时间做呀!。。。 问题是, 你知道你付钱买的东西的内容吗?
我2位小孩都有过敏的体质, 尤其是老大一吃多了含防腐剂的食品, 眼睛就会红肿流眼泪。 有一年新年时, 因为贪吃多吃了市售的肉干, 不谨眼睛红肿, 眼球甚至还突了出来,要吃抗敏药。 所以我经过了无数次的实验后, 慢慢的捉到要点及窍门, 在这里和大家分享如何轻松的在家自制肉干。 希望大家和我一样一有时间就尽量做些好吃的零食给孩子及家人。。。
自制的也许不比市售的香甜, 但是贵在吃得安心, 就算孩子多吃了也不怕受到伤害。
Quite a number of moms feel that it is easier to buy than to take the hassles to home make barbeque dried pork. I personally feel that it is worth the effort as we can ensure our children and family are not taking the food stuffs with excessive preservatives, coloring and additives. Home made foods might not be as tasty as the market sold stuffs but are definitely safer.
自制的也许不比市售的香甜, 但是贵在吃得安心, 就算孩子多吃了也不怕受到伤害。
Quite a number of moms feel that it is easier to buy than to take the hassles to home make barbeque dried pork. I personally feel that it is worth the effort as we can ensure our children and family are not taking the food stuffs with excessive preservatives, coloring and additives. Home made foods might not be as tasty as the market sold stuffs but are definitely safer.
1. 前腿肉1500克,绞细,在选购时告诉猪肉贩是要做肉干用的,请帮忙绞细。(选大约1200克的瘦肉+300克肥肉,尽量别买现成的绞肉,现成的多数会太肥。)(要比较软口感的就肥3:瘦7的比例)
Ground pork shoulder - 1500g (approx. 1200g lean meat + 300g fat)
2. 糖380 ~450克(可用叉烧酱取代一部分的糖,烤成后有叉烧的味道)。Sugar- 380~450g( you can usesome Char Siew sauce to substitute for some sugar, and you will get Char siew flavour))
3. 酱青/酱油75克(5大匙)。Soy sauce - 75ml
4. 鱼露75克(5大匙)。 Fish sauce - 75ml.
5. 酒3大匙(A。可以全部用玫瑰露酒,或B。用 2大匙玫瑰露+1大匙米酒,或C.不喜欢玫瑰香气可全用米酒,或再加少许烈酒)。
Liquor - 3 Tablespoons (Option A. 3 tablespoons Rose wine/Mui Quai Lo, or B. 2 Tbspn Rose wine + 1 Tbspn Rice wine, or C. 3 Tbspn rice wine, and another spoonful of Brandy)
6. 胡椒粉或黑胡椒粉半小匙。(可依个人喜好加入各半小匙至1小匙的五香粉,桂皮粉,沙姜粉,甘草粉等等香料,不放也不要紧)Pepper/BlackPepper - 1 teaspoon ( or optional: additional of half to 1 teaspoon each of the following according to your taste: Five spices powder,cinnamon powder,sand ginger/cekor powder, liqourice powder/kam cho fan.)
7. 红麯米粉1大匙(到药材店买红麯米磨研成粉后才用。红麯米可降胆固醇(点击这里查看), 这样子肉干吃多了也会比较安心。)也可不放, 烤出来的成品色泽也OK的。 也有些人用化学红色素-我劝就不必了。
Coloring (optional) : 1 tablespoonful of Red yeast rice powder(You can purchase red yeast rice from Chinese Medicine Hall and grind the rice into powder form. Red yeast rice has the property of lowering Blood Cholesterol level. Click HERE to check). Or use a few drops of artificial red coloring (which is not recommended.)
8. 早一晚, 先全部材料混合后顺着1个方向搅拌15分钟至起胶(肉团会发亮), 收在冰箱内。
The night before, Stir all the ingredients in a mixing bowl in one direction for at least 15 minutes, until a shinny meat paste is formed.
9. 第二天一早, 把肉团分成4份, 每份大约500克。(如要越薄,就放越少,如-450克)
Early next morning,Divide meat paste into 4 portions of 500g each. (Use smaller portion if you prefer thinner result, say like 450G)
10. 米袋(或烘培纸)剪成14吋 X 12吋的大小,倒反放入12吋 X 12吋的方盘内,(两边超出方盘,方便取出肉片)。将秤好的肉料放入,慢慢压平。
注:如用不同尺吋的盘,每方吋要秤3.45克的肉料。例如14吋X 14吋的盘 = 14 X 14 X 3.45克 = 676克的肉料。注意烘培纸要剪成16吋 X 14吋的大小.
Line a 12" x 12" tray with a 14" x 12" parchment paper or plastic sheet, put a portion of meat paste on the sheet and flaten the meat paste. If you use other size of tray, multiply 3.45g of meat paste for every inch square of tray area, for example if your tray size is 14" X 14", then the weight of meat paste is 14 x 14 x 3.45g = 676g. Always remember to leave both side of the lining sheet/parchment paper longer than the tray for easy handling.
Line a 12" x 12" tray with a 14" x 12" parchment paper or plastic sheet, put a portion of meat paste on the sheet and flaten the meat paste. If you use other size of tray, multiply 3.45g of meat paste for every inch square of tray area, for example if your tray size is 14" X 14", then the weight of meat paste is 14 x 14 x 3.45g = 676g. Always remember to leave both side of the lining sheet/parchment paper longer than the tray for easy handling.
Cover the meat paste with another plastic sheet, press evenly for a uniform thickness of meat sheet. (The black color utensil that I use is actually used for cement plastering which I bought from a hardware store- only cost me RM2/USD0.70)
12. 打开上层的胶袋纸, 把肉片和下层的垫纸一起取出,摊在烈日下曝晒6~8小时。晒了3~4小时后必须翻片。先将一张朔胶纸盖 上肉片,然后把下层的纸及肉片一起翻转过来, 去掉上层的塑胶纸或烘培纸,继续晒3~4小时至干。
Remove the plastic cover, take out the parchment paper together with the meat sheet, dry under the hot sun for 4 hours, after that cover the meat sheet with another parchment paper/plastic sheet, turn the meat sheet around, take off the initially lower layer (now become upper layer) plastic sheet/parchment paper, continue sun bathing for another 4 hours (Total 8 hours). (You can also oven dry the meat sheet (only using parchment paper, no plastic sheets please) at about 70 degree C with the turbo fan on.
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在我家院子里晒肉干 |
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晒好切成小片的生肉干/Raw Cut of dried prok |
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用Satay烤架 |
Dried pork is best charcoal grilled. It is so easy to grill with a satay griller.
14. 没马上烤,可以收在冷藏库(生肉干叠起来成砖状不会粘黏,不必垫塑胶纸),冷藏一年也不会坏。要烤时不必完全解冻, 能撕开就可以马上烤了。
Raw cut of Dried pork can be stacked up(you do not need to line it with plastic sheet like burger patties as they do not stick together, the 8 hours sun drying already form a coat of wax on the meat sheet ) and frozen for up to 1 year in the freezer. You do not need to thaw it completely when you want to grill it later. As soon as it can be peeled off, than you can start grilling it.
注意: 肉干片一定要晒的够干(至少晒6~8小时), 不然的话, 烤出来的肉干会黏黏湿湿的, 卖相不好又不耐放!须要冷藏。
Attention: The meat sheet has to be really dried (6~8 hours of sun bathing - best thing to do in summer)under the sun before grilled, otherwise the barbequed dried pork will be sticky and wet, which will not be appealing and can't be kept for long time without refrigerating.
注意: 肉干片一定要晒的够干(至少晒6~8小时), 不然的话, 烤出来的肉干会黏黏湿湿的, 卖相不好又不耐放!须要冷藏。
Attention: The meat sheet has to be really dried (6~8 hours of sun bathing - best thing to do in summer)under the sun before grilled, otherwise the barbequed dried pork will be sticky and wet, which will not be appealing and can't be kept for long time without refrigerating.
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烤好的肉干 YUMMY.. |
very delicious, happy chinese new year
ReplyDelete恭贺新禧! May the year of dragon bring lots of Joy and Happiness to you and your family.
DeleteMust say thank you to you because my this bak kwa recipe is originated from yours! I always surf you blog for ideas whenever I want to try something new or looking for improvement.
All the best and let's keep on the move in the kitchen.......
Delete哇,你好厉害!!有机会的话,学学做 ^^
ReplyDelete你好! 其实没什么厉害啦! 只是做的多了累积了经验, 想好厨艺爱好者们分享喜悦, 让大家及家人也能共同享受安全的美食。。。
ReplyDelete你是问用烤箱烤熟,还是用烤箱烘干呢? 用烤箱烘干的话是大约70度左右吧!需要烘很长的一段时间。 如果是要用烤箱烤熟的话,最好是180度到200度之间,烤到肉干开始滴油,肉干面起泡就行了。 建议能的话用碳烤,才香气够。 买个桌面型号的日式碳烤炉也就够了。