我是专用夹心肉或后腿肉, 而且要特别选肉块内有很多肉筋的那种, 再来是制作时不再另外多加肥肉(怕肥肉移民到自己身上, 哈哈哈。。。)
我是专用夹心肉或后腿肉, 而且要特别选肉块内有很多肉筋的那种, 再来是制作时不再另外多加肥肉(怕肥肉移民到自己身上, 哈哈哈。。。)
选用下图及下下图的猪肉做出来的猪肉丸的口感最筋道, 肉丸真的是掉在地上会弹起来的。Below is the best cutm of pork for bouncy meatball.
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看看猪肉块内那些纵横不断的白色肉筋, 这些肉筋不用去掉, 只去掉肉块最外层油油腻腻的东西就行了。 |
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我妈说夹心肉靠近猪肺部位的肉(我其实也不知道咧,我很少亲自去猪肉档,马来西亚的菜市场是不能摆卖猪肉的,猪肉是另外隔起来买卖的, 怕犯了回教徒同胞的忌讳) |
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把这些附在肉块外层油油腻腻的东西去掉丢弃/Discard these oily stuff |
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把清理后的猪肉切成半公分厚的薄片,结冰2~3小时后才用来打成肉酱, 不用再加肥肉了。Cut the meat into slices for ease of processing. |
1.。 1000 克猪夹心肉或后腿肉, 清理后切成薄片,不要再加肥肉了( 加肥肉的话肉丸会变软,不过口感的喜好是很个人的, 建议您自己斟酌要不要加肥肉, 慢慢调整,找出自己满意的口感)。把肉片平摆在盘上,放入冷冻库2~3小时,让它变成半结冰状态。
2。 4茶匙盐
3。 2茶匙发粉。
4。 4茶匙糖
B) 2 粒蛋- 先放入冰箱冷藏。
1汤匙蒜头油,1汤匙麻油(或只是2汤匙麻油,不加蒜头油),2~3汤匙玉米粉, 少许黑胡椒碎。
- 蒜末
- 香菇末
- /炸虾米或炸鱿鱼末(切末后才炸)
A) 1000 gm pork, cut to smaller pieces and freeze for 2~3 hours(If only lean pork is available, you may add 3%~ 5% (30g~50g) lard into the meat. To much fat is not good, the meat balls will not bounce) 4 tspn sugar, 4 tspn salt, 1 tspn baking powder。1/2 tspn of lye water (optional) diluted into 2tablespoon of icy water.
B) 2 eggs - chilled in the refrigerator before use。
C) Other ingredients:
1 Tbsp fried garlic oil and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil or 2 tablespoonful of garlic oil or sesame oil,2 Tbsp corn flour,and dash of white pepper or black pepper
Fried chopped dried prawn or cattle fish /炸虾米或炸鱿鱼末(切末后才炸)
A) 1000 gm pork, cut to smaller pieces and freeze for 2~3 hours(If only lean pork is available, you may add 3%~ 5% (30g~50g) lard into the meat. To much fat is not good, the meat balls will not bounce) 4 tspn sugar, 4 tspn salt, 1 tspn baking powder。1/2 tspn of lye water (optional) diluted into 2tablespoon of icy water.
B) 2 eggs - chilled in the refrigerator before use。
C) Other ingredients:
1 Tbsp fried garlic oil and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil or 2 tablespoonful of garlic oil or sesame oil,2 Tbsp corn flour,and dash of white pepper or black pepper
D)Add anyone of the following flavour enhancer to enrich the flavor (Optional):
Chopped Garlic/ 蒜末
Chopped Black Mushroom/香菇末
Chopped Chinese celery stem/芹菜末
Chopped Spring Onion/葱末Fried chopped dried prawn or cattle fish /炸虾米或炸鱿鱼末(切末后才炸)
1.分做2批次, 每1次把500g的牛肉片放入食物调理机内,开动机器, 慢慢加入1 粒蛋液搅打1分钟,接着下1汤匙稀释的碱水再搅打1分钟,搅打至成肉酱,在调理机继续转动的情况下, 先加入2茶匙的糖搅打1分钟,接着加入2茶匙的盐搅打1分钟,最后下1茶匙的发粉打最后1分钟(整个过程大约4~5分钟)。完成后再重复调理另外一批。如果您的调理机是小型号的,您就得斟酌分3批次或4批次调理了。
1. Mince the meat in 2 batches in a food processor until a paste is form. For each batch gradually add in 1 egg mixture , keep processing for 1 minute, than add in 1tablespoonful of diluted lye water and run for 1 minute to form a smooth paste. While keeping the machine running, add in 2tspn of sugar, process for 1 minute, than add in 2 tsp salt and keep the machine running for another 1 minute and lastly 1 tspn of baking powder to process for the final 1 minute.(total processing time is 4~5minutes). If your machine size is small, it is advisable to process in 3 or 4 batches for best result.
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用桨型搅打器打了8分钟后的肉酱(还能清楚的看到肉筋),样子光亮及黏性很高,盖起来冷藏。 |
3. Cover bowl and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
4. 煮滚一锅水, 水滚后熄火或转成最小火, 这时可以加入喜欢的一种或更多(D)调味材料进肉酱里增加风味。搅拌均匀後开始挤肉丸。
4. Boil a pot of water. Put out the fire once the water has boiled and start the meatball squeezing process, you may add in any one or more of ingredient (D) of your choice into the meat paste now. Stir evenly before starting to squeeze the meat ball.
5. 先把手弄湿, 用虎口挤肉酱, 再用个1/2汤匙的圆底量匙舀起肉丸, 放进热水内。每打个肉丸, 把汤匙沾水一次, 免得肉酱粘在匙上。
5. Scoop the paste onto your wet hand. Push the paste through your thumb and 2nd finger by making a fist. Use a wet 1/2 Tablespoon measurement spoon to scoop and drop it into the hot water. To prevent the paste from sticking to the spoon, wet the spoon with water.
6. 把肉酱挤满半个锅底后,开始点燃炉火(只可用中火), 不过别让水滚(避免肉丸膨胀过度, 失去弹性), 当水的热度达到80度左右时, 马上转最成小火, 加盖, 焖5分钟。把还没打完的肉酱先收在冰箱内, 以免升温。开始第二轮的操作前, 记得要熄火
7. 在个大盆子内放冰水, 把焖好的肉丸捞起,投入冰水急速降温,以免肉丸表面干黑。
7. Fill a big basin with icy cold water. Scoop out the chicken balls and let them cooled in the cold water.
8. 没吃完的肉丸分小包冷冻起来, 以备用。
8. After the chicken balls have cooled, use as required or freeze.
9. 煮肉丸子的高汤滋味甜美,不要浪费哟,用来下面或煮肉粥都很好。
The stock after making the meatball is very nutricious and tasty, good for cooking noodles or meat porridge.
Please refer to the following video which I downloaded from Neckredrecipes.blogspot.com
in this video, icy water is used instead of egg mixture.
以下是从Neckredrecipes.blogspot.com转载的视频(Ipad 看不到, 电脑就能看到), 希望能让大家了解肉丸的做法: 只是不同的是我用冰蛋液取代冰水。
建议您投资一个食物调理机, Philips HR7761 (USD110) 型号 或 Philips HR7774 (USD350) 都很理想,杯子中间无孔的设计不会漏浆。
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