A Cosway distributed Empress Snack Maker or A Pensonic distributed LEBENSSTIL 5 in 1 snack maker from 1234estore.com is worth investing for the benefit of family members. Healthy and tasty braekfast!
普通面粉或全麦面粉 - 140g(1杯) 140g(1cup) all-purpose or wholemeal flour
细砂糖 - 1~2 汤匙(或用代糖) 1~2 tbsp sugar(or artificial sweetener)
发粉/泡打粉- 2茶匙 2 tsp baking powder
盐 - 1/2茶匙 1/2 tsp salt
牛奶粉/或低脂奶粉 - 3 汤匙 3 tbsp milk powder/or skim milk
水 - 200g(1杯) 200g water (1 cup)
盐 - 1/2茶匙 1/2 tsp salt
牛奶粉/或低脂奶粉 - 3 汤匙 3 tbsp milk powder/or skim milk
水 - 200g(1杯) 200g water (1 cup)
蛋 - 1颗 1 large egg
凡尼拉香精 - 1/4茶匙(随意) 1/4 tsp vanilla extract(Optional)
粟米油/溶化牛油 - 2汤匙 2 tbpn corn oil/melted butter
In a large bowl whisk together the flour, milk powder,baking powder, salt and sugar.
在另一个容器内搅打蛋及水,拌入香精,然后把搅拌均匀的蛋液倒入面粉内,拌至完全融合.凡尼拉香精 - 1/4茶匙(随意) 1/4 tsp vanilla extract(Optional)
粟米油/溶化牛油 - 2汤匙 2 tbpn corn oil/melted butter
In a large bowl whisk together the flour, milk powder,baking powder, salt and sugar.
In a separate container whisk together the egg and water, add in the vanilla. Later add the egg mixture to the flour mixture, all at once, and stir just until combined.

Stir 2 tablespoon of corn oil or melted butter and stir well.
想要更松化的威化饼, 可参考这改良版威化饼的做法。
Wish to have a fluffier waffle, you may do it the Improvised Way of making Waffle.
然后跟随您的威化制作机的指示操作, 先预热威化机5分钟(也许需要先在烤盘上搽油)。
Depending on your machine's instructions, preheat your machine for 5 minutes first, you may need to lightly grease the grids.
低脂威化饼虽然不比普通的威化饼好吃, 但是乘热吃还是一样香香脆脆的, 如果放冷了就会变软。 不过可以用烤面包机翻热, 一样美味。 吃不完的饼可以冷冻起来, 要吃时先解冻后再用烘面包机烘热即可。
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倒入1大勺的粉浆 |
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大慨约8分满的粉浆就行了, 盖起烤5~7分钟即可。 |
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烤好的饼,中间的比较完整,两边的因为粉浆比较少, 所以有洞洞 |
低脂威化饼虽然不比普通的威化饼好吃, 但是乘热吃还是一样香香脆脆的, 如果放冷了就会变软。 不过可以用烤面包机翻热, 一样美味。 吃不完的饼可以冷冻起来, 要吃时先解冻后再用烘面包机烘热即可。
is best to serve the waffles immediately along with butter and Home made strawberry Jam. These are also wonderful when served with Ice-cream as a dessert.
freeze well too. You can make a bunch of them. Freeze them on a cookie sheet
single layered. Once frozen, keep them in a zip lock bag. They are ready to go in the
morning. Get them thawed and reheat them in your toaster。