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Friday, 19 October 2012

潮州手工鱼丸(无硼砂添加剂)/Teochew Handmade Fishball

一直以来,身为潮州人的邱爹地偏好吃鱼丸, 不喜欢肉丸,所以邱妈咪这个潮州媳妇如果不学会打潮州鱼丸, 那以后老公和孩子就没有自家制无添加剂的鱼丸吃了!


西刀鱼肉 - 600g
碎冰+水 - 200g
食盐 - 24~30g
糖 - 30g
蛋白 - 2个
玉米淀粉 - 15g(也可以不用)

×红辣椒,青葱或芹菜碎,蒜头碎各半汤匙, 摊开吹风晾干水份,蔬菜别下太多,因为菜内的水份会让鱼丸变软影响口感(所以需要摊开晾干一些)。(依口味随意增减比例, 也可不放)


1. 先把鱼肉冷冻结冰2~3小时。蛋白也先冷藏。
2. 制作鱼丸前,把冰块敲碎, 或把冰块放进厚的塑料袋中,向硬的台面或地面甩打, 把冰块甩碎, 再倒入容器内,加水,共200g的重量。


1. 把鱼肉块加碎冰水在食物调理机内高速搅打成鱼浆。 (大约3分钟, 必须打至成浆,看不到也摸不到鱼肉纤维。)

2. 在机器继续开动的情况下, 加入砂糖搅打1分钟, 接下来加入食盐, 继续搅打1分钟。

3. 徐徐的倒入蛋白, 再加入玉米淀粉继续搅打1分钟。




4. 最重要的阶段来了。 把调理好的鱼浆倒进搅拌缸内, 用个大饭匙只朝一个方向用力旋转最少20分钟, 至鱼浆上劲(起胶)。 起胶的鱼浆用眼看会有一层发亮的光泽, 有轻泡及透明感。放进水里会浮在水面。

5. 这时可以选择加入蔬菜碎。 我则选择把一半的鱼浆制成原味的鱼丸, 一半制成蔬菜鱼丸。

6. 准备一个大盘子, 盘内用喷雾器喷洒一层水。 然后沾湿双手, 一手用虎口挤鱼浆,另一手用沾湿的汤匙刮下鱼丸, 排放在大盘子内。

把挤好的鱼丸晾在空气中3~4小时, 让鱼浆神奇的凝结成有弹性的鱼丸。 每隔半小时用喷雾器朝鱼丸喷一层水雾。

7. 把成型的鱼丸浸泡在保鲜盒的冷盐水内(1000CC的水溶化半茶匙的盐)漂水1~2个小时, 让一些盐分渗出来, 不然鱼丸会太咸,水只要刚好淹过鱼丸就够了。

8.  还有另外一个做法是直接把鱼丸刮进淡盐水内, 让鱼丸漂1~2个小时后, 轻手取出, 排放在大盘子内晾3~4个小时后(也可以摆在冰箱里晾), 才装保险盒收起。这法子作出的鱼丸形状比较圆,比较漂亮。 (不同的潮州鱼丸高手, 有不同的做法, 邱妈咪就依样划2个葫芦!)

9. 吃不完的鱼丸可以泡在前头的冷水内收在冰箱内, 但是如此收藏法鱼丸会变成越来越淡,最好把水倒掉,用保鲜盒密封收藏在冰箱下层(不可结冰)就可以了,可以收藏2~3天。

1. 不要徒手搅打鱼浆, 因为手掌有温度, 会影响成品的弹牙度。
2. 找一个伴接力搅打鱼浆,因为鱼浆会越打越黏稠,需要出力使大劲,手臂会很酸累。
3. 如果要多加蔬菜, 则碎冰水需要减量一些些。
4. 打鱼丸时盐和糖不要减少, 不然鱼浆不能凝结成丸。
5. 鱼肉一定要新鲜才行。
6. 打起胶的鱼浆可以用来酿豆腐,辣椒,茄子等等。。。

7.漂鱼丸的水滋味鲜甜, 丢掉可惜, 可以用来煮紫菜鱼丸羹, 物尽其用。


7. 如果有桌上型的搅拌机, 可以用桨型搅拌器高速搅拌10分钟即可。(但先前调理鱼浆时,别把碎冰全下去打,要留下30g的碎冰,最后加在鱼浆内在搅拌机内搅拌, 避免鱼浆升温)

  8. 回应了网友云影儿的提议, 邱妈咪使用手提电动打蛋器高速搅拌300g的鱼肉制成的鱼浆7分钟,再用饭匙搅拌了2分钟, 打起劲(起胶)的鱼浆能凝结成鱼丸。(用电动打蛋器打鱼浆所需要主意的几点:1.在用调理机调理鱼浆时,别把碎冰全下去打,要留下30g~50g的碎冰,最后把留下来的碎冰加在鱼浆内用手提电动打蛋器搅拌, 用意是避免鱼浆升温,因为打蛋的那两枝旋转打蛋用的金属器具会发热,怕会影响成品的品质。 2.打蛋器不能同时搅打大量的鱼浆, 估计最大的量是可以打到500g鱼肉制成的鱼浆,需要高速打8~9分钟,要注意金属打蛋器千万别让它升温,如果手触摸感到发热的话, 建议取下用冰水浸泡一下让它降温再继续打鱼浆。 然后才接着用饭匙搅打3分钟左右)


  1. hi Angie....
    appreciate if u could translate this great recipe too....many thanks!!

  2. HI... how to remove the bone. The fish has very fine bone. Thanks for helping.

    1. 1. First you peel off the skin, then you scrap the flesh carefully with a metal spoon, remove whatever bone that comes out with the flesh.

      2. Or you halve the fish and detach the fillets from the back bone, and scrap the flesh out carefully from the skin.

  3. Thanks Angie... I tried Tofu fish but the texture is not smooth. Looks rough and have a lot of holes. Why?

    1. 1. Did you use a food processor?
      2. Did you half frozen the fish fillet?
      3. You must add enough water while grinding the fish.

  4. ai.... I beat the paste again and the fish ball becomes dry and ... falling apart. Don't know how to describe ....

    1. You need sufficient water to grind the fish into a smooth paste like what is shown in the photos and you won't be far from there. If your fish paste is not smooth, most probably it is due to the fish already half cooked by the high temparature of the machine while working for long time. You need to half frozen the fish to encounter the heat problem. Dont waste the fish if you cannot get fishball, mix with some ground meat and use it to stuff the taufu of lady fingers, chili and foochok to make yong tau foo.

      Dont give up, keep trying, one day u will succeed like me. I have failed many times before i finally realised what is the correct way, experience will tell. Wishing you luck!

    2. Try adding some salt water while beating.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for taking time replying my query. I used food processor and added water as in the recipe. Yes, the flesh was half frozen. After grinding, the texture was not smooth for fish ball but it was still ok for fish cake. Because I did not finish the paste, I grinded the paste again the next morning hoping to get smoother texture. This time, the texture is very very dry even for fish cake. Anyway, I will try again. By the way, I am a teoh chew too so I do like fish ball a lot.

    1. Nice knowing you also a Teo Chew ah nya. but Oh no no, you cannot keep the ground fish paste half way and continue later, it won't work! You have to keep grinding and add the icy water slowly untill it is really smooth. It takes time. May i suggest yu just make in small batch. Once you master the skill, then ony you can consider making in larger quantity.
