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Saturday 11 February 2012

红糖发糕/ Molasses Huat Kuih (Fatt Koh)

过年过节需要准备些发糕来取其好意头。但是大多数妈妈们都是拜拜完了就把发糕扔掉,因为怕含有太多的添加剂。其实大家都可以在家自己做发糕让家人放心吃,健康,经济又实惠!这款开口笑的红糖(也有人称为黑糖)发糕简单做又美味, 而且成功率又高。 祝大家: 发! 发!发!!
Huat Kuih is a symbolic of prosperity which is usually offered during prayers. This type of ‘laughing’  Huat Kuih is very easy to make and yet delicious, so let's just do it! 
Huat!!  Huat!! Huat!!


低筋面粉或自发面粉/ Superfine flour/Self-raising Flour  - 200g
粘米粉/Rice flour -  50g
发粉/Baking Powder  -  3+1/2茶匙(tspn)×如果用自发面粉, 发粉就只需要1茶匙/Reduce baking powder to 1 teaspoon only if you are using self raising flour.

水/water - 200g
红糖或黑糖/Red Sugar/ molasses - 120~150g (I used 120g)
盐/salt - 1/4茶匙(tspn)
香兰叶 /Pandan leaves -  2片

鸡蛋/Egg - 1颗(no)
玉米油/Corn oil - 3汤匙(tablespoon)

1.  先把干粉类及发粉混合后过筛一遍备用。Mix and sieve ingredients A.

2.  把水, 红糖, 香兰叶及盐在一小锅内用慢火煮至红糖充分溶化,过滤后摊凉。Cook Ingredients B in a small pot over low heat until sugar fully dissolve, sieve the syrup and let cool to room temperature.

3.  红糖液摊凉后,在开始制作发糕的同时, 在蒸锅内烧1500cc的水, 以备蒸糕用。After the syrup is cooled to room temperature, start boiling 1500cc water in the steamer pot while you start the Huat Kuih making process.

4.  把鸡蛋液搅打均匀后过滤,加入摊凉的红糖水, 用力搅打约2~3分钟至起泡。 Beat and sieve the egg mixture.  Add egg mixture into cooled syrup and beat mixture vigorously for 2~3 minutes.

5.  加入3大匙的玉米油或食油拌均。Add in 3 tablespoon of corn oil or cooking oil.

6. 把过筛好的干粉类加入, 慢慢搅拌均匀。Add and mix evenly the dry ingredients (1)

7.  把12个蛋糕纸杯放在蛋塔杯内,再倒入混合物至9分满,再排在蒸笼内,用大火蒸15 ~ 20分钟即可。(切记: 要等水大沸腾后才可下锅蒸, 这样发糕才会大发)Line 12 tart shell with paper cup. Fill up the cup to 90% full and steam for 15~20 minutes using high heat. (Reminder:  Start the steaming process only after the water is boiling hot, otherwise your Huat Kuih will not "laugh")


1.  如果要做素的, 就不用加鸡蛋, 水要增加至250g或以50g的椰浆取代鸡蛋。Substitute egg with 50g of water or coconut milk to make vegan fatt koh.

2.  如果没有低筋面粉, 就用170g的普通面粉+30g的玉米淀粉即可。 (15%的玉米淀粉)。Substitute superfine flour with 170g all purpose flour + 30g of corn starch.



5。做素的可以添加一至两匙的大豆粉,我加Amway的All Plant Protein Powder-15g。

1 comment:

  1. 我做了, 但是发得不够, 肿起来一粒球, 只裂开一点点,中间比较干硬。 是水不够还是油不够, 还是发粉不够?
