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Tuesday 12 July 2011


1.  1000ml milk (can be fresh milk, or made from full cream milk powder)
2.  1 Cup of store bought plain yogurt as starter, look for the product with live culture (I chose marigold) . After you have produced your own yogurt, always keep a small portion away as your next batch starter.

1. 全脂牛奶6或5杯、Marigold或Dutchlady Plain  Yogurt 1 杯(2小罐),糖依个人口味,但也不建议太甜。(你可以买盒装或罐装的牛奶, 或鲜奶, 或自己用奶粉冲泡也行。自己冲泡的话, 就不用加热了。自接用比较热的温水冲泡, 然后放凉一些至不烫手的温度。 

如果可以用Full Cream的牛奶再加一些奶粉下去的成果最理想了,用1000ml的盒装的Full cream牛奶加热后, 加入6~8汤匙的奶粉冲开, 放置等温度不烫手就可以开始做了。)


3、牛奶和糖入锅,隔水炖热至糖溶解及牛奶加热65度以上后离火。也可以把牛奶自接放进锅中加热, 但是要不停慢火搅拌,避免底部烧焦, 牛奶就会有焦味哦!
如果你有微波炉, 就用小火微波牛奶3~5分钟即可

4、把加热的牛奶放至45度不烫手。这时才把plain yogurt倒进Tupperware里或玻璃容器中, 然后倒入温奶,搅拌均匀。注意 yogurt要提前一小时先从冰箱拿出来,让它升至室温,不要太冷。


1.  先在电饭锅内放个铁格, 加2汤匙水,压下电挚加热。
    Put a metal rack, add 2 tbspn water, preheat the rice cooker

 2.  用个干净的容器, 冲泡500ml的牛奶, 可以加些糖, 以助发酵。
Some sugar can be added to assist the fermentation process.

3. 可 以用2大匙市售的原味优格当菌种(我选用Marigold牌子的,因为它含有Live Culture/活菌, 而且每次都制作成功) 或到西药房买2颗乳酸菌的胶囊, 把胶囊打开, 把乳酸菌种倒入牛奶内搅拌均匀。用乳酸菌粉需发酵12个小时以上(因为菌种需要时间活跃, 有的时候会买到死了的菌种, 那就只有酸奶, 没有优格了)。 如果是把做好后预留下来2大匙的优格当菌种的话则只需要4~6小时的发酵时间。
Instead of using store bought yogurt as starter (I usually use Marigold Yogurt as it contains Live Culture and it never fail me), you can also buy 2 capsule of yogurt powder (lactobacillus) from a Pharmacy.  If you use the dried powder as starter, you may need to incubate your milk for 12 hours(the dried yeast needs time to become active and sometimes the yeast is dead, you won't have any yogurt, only sour milk), otherwise live starter only needs 4 to 6 hours to get the job done.

4.  把容器盖上, 放入电饭锅内, 必须确定饭锅是在保温状态, 不是煮饭状态哦!
cover your milk container, make sure the rice cooker is in keep warm mode, not cooking!!

5.  哎呀! 盖子太高了, 锅盖盖不下, 借个小碟子充当盖子一下。

6.  盖子别盖密, 留个缝隙,避免过热, 4~6小时后再看看吧! 如果觉得过热的话, 暂时关掉电源一两分钟再开电源保温。最好的温度是50度C。有预算的话, 就投资个家用优格机吧, 耗电量很小, 只有9W而已, 而且制作出来的优格很幼滑。
Leave a gap for the cover to prevent over heating.  If it is too hot, switch off the electricity for a couple of minutes, then re-connect the power supply again. The optimum temperature is 50 degree C. If you have the budget, go for a yogurt maker, the product will be more consistent. Longer hour of incubation will produce more sour yogurt.

7.  还算成功的自制优格!优格发酵越久口味就会越酸。 发酵3 ~ 4小时的优格最可口, 酸酸甜甜的口味最完美。也许是因为饭锅的温度比较高温, 所以制作出来的成品有点粗糙, 不过如果是用来制成yogurt drink的话还算可以啦。当然, 自制的优格口感不能比较市售的幼滑, 因为市售的有添加物稳定剂和emulsifier或淀粉, 而自制的是纯天然的。如果用纱布把优格隔滤,把优格滤干出来, 放置8小时后, 就成了yogurt cheese了。水可别丢弃, 因为富含氨基酸,饮用对人体有益。

8.  优格可以加些果汁blend成优格乳, 或加些有机果酱搅拌,冷冻后成yogurt ice-cream。要注意所用的果汁或果酱千万不可含有防腐剂, 因为防腐剂会把优格里的益菌杀了了, 妈妈们就白忙一场喔!!

 看, 挤了3粒鲜橙汁, 加入优格(优格水也一起下), 用搅拌机搅成了优格果汁装入了市售的果汁罐内, 不仅能骗小孩, 连大人也喝的开心喔! 除了鲜橙, 新鲜草莓也不错, 还有黑加仑子也很美味, 没有新鲜水果, 有机果酱(面包果酱也能用的)。喜欢甜的, 加些糖, 喜欢酸的, 就让优格发酵久些, 当然加柠檬汁也可以啦!
 You can always make some yogurt drink by blending your yogurt with some fresh or canned juice or Organic Fruit Jam. Avoid using juice or jam with preservatives because these chemicals will kill the "good bacterias" of your yogurt.

除了电饭锅及优格酸奶机, 还可以用焖烧锅轻轻松松的做优格呢!

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