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Wednesday, 27 April 2011


500g - 五花肉或三层肉或里脊肉切成大约2cm厚, 20cm长的肉条。

红腐乳(2cm见方) - 1 块
红腐乳汁 - 1 茶匙
糖 - 2~3汤匙(视口味而定, 喜好甜者, 可以再多加一两大匙糖)
八角粉或五香粉 - 1/3茶匙
玫瑰露酒或米酒 - 1 茶匙
麻油 - 1/2 茶匙
葱头油 - 1大匙
胡椒粉 - 1/4茶匙
酱油 - 1茶匙
玉米粉或太白粉 - 半茶匙
蛋液 - 1大匙

1.  把肉和腌料均匀混合, 稍微按摩肉块几分钟, 让肉软化, 腌2~3小时。

2.  把肉排放在铺了一层铝箔的烤盘内, 置入预热200度C的烤箱内烤15分钟, 开始准备蜜汁。

蜜汁材料:将麦芽糖一大匙, 糖一大匙, 热水一大匙, 混合后置放在烤箱上利用烤箱的热度溶化混合料。
2.  15分钟后, 取出烤箱内的叉烧肉, 逐一的滚上蜜汁, 再把肉块反过来排在烤盘内, 继续烤15分钟。
3. 15分钟后, 取出烤盘,把盘底的肉汁倒出收集起来,留下 制作叉烧淋酱。 然后 再重复步骤(2), 继续烤10分钟。。。。。
4.  再重复步骤3最少1次,或 直至叉烧肉烤成稍微有些焦香为止。

将收集起来的肉汁, 去掉多余的油脂, 加些蚝油, 酱油膏/黑酱油(如喜欢黑色酱), 调均煮滚勾芡即可。

小提示:  叉烧肉需要等冷后才切片, 如果乘热切片的话, 温度会把肉片的水份蒸发掉, 冷后的肉片会变得老硬。

Friday, 22 April 2011

姜葱肉片/Ginger Onion Beef/ or Pork

肉片 - 300g (牛/猪/鸡皆可)Beef Slices - 300g
姜片 - 3 片 (多寡依个人喜好)Ginger - 3 slices or accordingly
青葱 - 1 棵切段 1 Spring Onion - cut into 3cm length
洋葱 - 1颗切圈  1 Onion - cut into rings
蒜头 - 2 瓣切片  2 cloves Garlic - sliced
腌料:                 Marinate Ingredients:  
老抽 - 1汤匙      Soy sauce - 1 Tbpn
黑酱油 - ½茶匙 Dark Soy sauce - ½Tspn
玉米粉 - 1 茶匙 Corn Starch  -  1 Tspn
冷水 - 3 汤匙      Water - 3 Tablespoon
苏打粉 - 半茶匙 Soda Bicarbonate  - ½ tspn
胡椒粉 - ¼茶匙  Pepper - ¼ teaspoon
食油 - 1茶匙       corn oil - 1 teaspoon

酱料:                   Sauce Ingreients
蚝油 - 1汤匙        Oyster Sauce - 1 tablespoon
糖 - 半茶匙          Sugar -  ½ teaspoon
盐 - 半茶匙 (依口味增减)Salt - according to taste
花雕酒 - 1汤匙    Rice wine - 1 table spoon
水 - 1 杯                Water - 1 cup
芡水 : 半茶匙玉米粉+1汤匙 Thickener - ½ tspn cornstarch + 1 Tablespoon Water
香油 - 几滴          Sesame Oil - half teaspoon

1.  把肉片和腌料混合均匀后捉麻至肉片吸干水分, 腌20分钟。
     Marinate the meat slices, keep stirring and squeezing until all liquid has been absorbed by the meat. 
2. 把葱切段, 葱白另外放一边。   
    Cut the spring onion into 3cm length, separate the green and white parts.

3.  烧热炒锅, 下2汤匙油, 把腌好的肉片下锅, 用筷子拨散, 炒至肉片变色, 盛起。
     Heat the wok with 2 tablespoons corn oil, stir the marinated meat in the wok for about 2 minutes or  until  all the meat's color changed. Dish up.

4.  用原炒锅,下姜片,蒜片,洋葱圈, 葱白, 略炒一下。
Fry the ginger & garlic slices, onion and spring onion (white part) for 1 minute。
5.  把火转小, 下蚝油, 糖, 盐, 炒至蚝油变稠, 下花雕酒呛锅, 加入1杯水煮开。打芡。
   Turn down the flame, add in the Oyster sauce and sugar , fry until the sauce becomes sticky, add some salt to taste, turn up the flame, rinse in the rice wine from the rim of the wok to get special aroma.  Add in 1 cup of water, bring to boil and stir in the thickener.

 6. 下青葱段和肉片,稍微拌一拌,滚1分钟。 熄火, 加入几滴麻油。
  Add in the remaining spring onion(green part) and cooked meat, boil for 1 minutes, sprinkle some sesame oil before served.
7.  也可以预先炒两颗滑蛋, 和肉片一起拌入。 
You can also make an plain soft egg omelette and add in together with the cooked meat.

2 颗蛋, 加2汤匙水稍微搅拌一下, 用少量油在锅内炒成蛋块, 注意炒时要轻慢, 不要将蛋炒散。(还没炒肉片之前, 先炒蛋。 这样就不用洗锅啦!)
锅烧热后, 先下点油, 倒入蛋液, 加盖焖1分钟。

用铲子把蛋反一反, 把蛋煎至凝结就好, 不要煎的太老。


意大利香料烤鸡/Italian Herbs Roasted Chicken

材料 : 净鸡半只。

(A) 在一小碗内混合以下腌料:(In a container, mix together:)
       盐- 2茶匙( Salt - 2 teaspoon)
       糖- 1汤匙(Sugar - 1 Tablespoon)
       意大利香料粉- 1茶匙 (Italian Herbs powder- 1 teaspoon)
       黑胡椒 - 1/4茶匙

(B) 蔬菜
       马铃薯 - 一大 颗, 削皮切成8块
       红萝卜 - 切滚刀块
       花椰菜 - 少许

1.  先把3 瓣蒜头磨成蒜泥, 用钢签把鸡肉稍微刺几下, 比较容易入味。
2. 把洗净的鸡用腌料腌过夜, 或腌至少6小时以上。(把涂上腌料的鸡用塑胶袋包成真空包装状。)

3.  要烤盘内,把蔬菜铺放在鸡块四周, 加入2大匙水, 用铝箔将烤盘包起。将烤箱预热至200度C, 烤40分钟。

4.  把烤箱的温度调低至180度C, 打开铝箔, 用叉子把蔬菜略微翻拌一下, 让蔬菜混一混鸡汤汁, 再 继续烤30分钟, 或至鸡皮的色泽完美。

5.  取出马铃薯块, 排放在煎锅内,加些鸡汤汁和1/4杯水, 加盖稍微焖一下至熟透,开大火煮至汤汁收乾, 再下些用奶油稍微煎一下至焦香。或如喜爱马铃薯泥, 在马铃薯焖熟收干水后, 用叉子将马铃薯趁热压碎, 加入适量的牛奶/或热水/或鸡汤,一大匙的牛油/面包油拌均成薯泥。(如用鸡汤就不需要再加牛油)

6.  收集下来的鸡汤, 可以加些水和牛奶煮蘑菇酱, 做成蘑菇酱意大利面, 或多加些液体, 做成蘑菇汤.

1.  先在热锅内烧熔一大匙的奶油,下少许的洋葱碎炒至微黄,再下些蘑菇片炒一炒, 再下一大匙的面粉,慢火炒。
2.  慢慢倒入下 一杯液体(鸡汤+水+牛奶), 快速搅至面粉溶解, 调味。

1.  烧开一锅水, 加入少许盐, 一汤匙食油(橄榄油可添加风味), 下适量的面条依包装上的建议时间煮软, 捞起, 摆盘, 洒些黑胡椒碎, 淋上蘑菇酱.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

香肠面包(直接发酵法)/Sausage Bun(Direct Dough Method)

Home Made Sausage Bread

面团 Dough (16 breads)
425g  高筋面粉                       425g High protein flour
75g   低筋面粉 或普通面粉   75g Superfine flour (or normal wheat flour)
80g ~100g 糖                            80g~100g sugar
150g~170g 水 (视鸡蛋的大小)  150g~170g water (Depends on egg’s size)
2 颗蛋 ( 留下半颗蛋黄, 加上2汤匙水制成蛋液涂面包用) 
                                               2 eggs (Keep half the egg yolk, to be add with 2 tablespoon water for glazing)
60g 奶油或面包油                   60g butter or margarine
3 汤匙牛奶粉                           3 Tablespoon milk powder
2½  茶匙即溶 酵母                  2½ teaspoon instant yeast
½ 茶匙盐                                    ½ teaspoon salt

1.  Mix and knead all the ingredients above to form a soft dough. Knead for 15 minutes .
2.  Keep the dough covered in a large bowl or pot for 2 to 2½  hours, until it is more than
     double in size.
3.  Knead the dough again until you get a blown bubble gum texture when you pull and
     stretch the dough to form a thin film. A well kneaded dough looks shiny and non sticky

4.  Rounded up  the dough and start dividing the dough into 60g each portion. Rounded up and rest for 10 minutes before start making the bread.
Begin with the 1st rounded dough until finished.

 5. Filling & Garnishing ingredients: Sausages, Grated cheese, Spaghetti mixed herbs & Tomato Ketchup

6.  Roll the dough, place a sausage in the middle, half the sausage by length if you want your children having less sausage.

7.  Wrap up the sausage, rest for 10 minutes.

8. Cut and arrange the bread, then arrange in a greased pan to proof for 90 minutes or dough rise to double its size.

9. Glaze the bread with yolk mixture.

10.  Sprinkle some Italian or spaghetti mixed herbs.


11.  Squeeze on some tomato ketchup or Chili sauce.

12.  Arrange some grated cheese. Mixed vegetable can be added if you like. Or you can go without the cheese.

13.  Pre heat the oven, spray some water on the breads before start to bake for 12 minutes or until the bread is nicely browned.

脆皮烤鸡/Crispy Roasted Chicken

在家自己做脆皮烤鸡, 卖相肯定是会比外头买的逊色。 但是有一样我们可以肯定的,那就是食材的品质和卫生。 我们要吃的是口感,味道和健康, 不是吗?!还有经济实惠。

材料 : 2kg 净鸡1只。

(A) 在一小碗内混合以下腌料:(In a container, mix together:)
       盐- 1½汤匙( Salt - 1½Tablespoon)
       糖- 2汤匙(Sugar - 2 Tablespoon)
       桂皮粉- 1茶匙 (Cinnamon powder- 1 teaspoon)
       胡椒粉 - 1/2茶匙(Ground Pepper- 1/2 teaspoon)
       五香粉 - 1茶匙(Chinese 5-spice powder)
       花雕酒- 1汤匙  (Yellow rice wine - 1 tablespoon)

1.  把(A) 料倒入洗净的鸡肚腔内平均涂开, 用钢签在肚内肉厚的部位刺几下让腌料容易渗透。力道可要拿捏好, 小心可别把鸡皮刺穿!更别刺伤自己的手!!
Pour mixture (A) into the chicken's cavity and rub evenly. From inside the cavity, use a skewer to poke several times, especially the breast (thick) part to ensure a better marinate process.  Be careful not to puncture the chicken's skin and hurt yourself accidentally. 

2.  用钢签或竹签把开膛的部位别上(缝密)。收在冰箱内隔夜, 或最少腌3小时。把腌好的鸡挂好, 就可以开始烫鸡的步骤了。
Pin up the opening using a skewer and let the chicken sitting in the refrigerator overnight or at least 3 hours. After which we can start the scalding procedure.

3. 烫皮:在炒菜锅内烧开1500ml的水,把沸水重复的淋在鸡的表皮至鸡皮紧缩(大约十来下吧)。
Hang the chicken above  a wok of boiling water (about 1500ml), repeat bathing ( about 10 times or so) the duck with the boiling water until the chicken's skin shrank.

(B) 脆皮上色料: (Crispy Skin Coloring)
热水- 150cc    (Hot water - 150ml)
麦芽糖或蜜糖- 2 汤匙 (maltose syrup or honey - 2 tablespoon)
老抽 - ½茶匙
盐 -  1 茶匙  ( salt- 1 teaspoon)
白醋/水果醋 - 2 汤匙 (Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 Tablespoon)

4.  把烫好鸡皮的沸水倒剩下大概半小碗(150cc)的分量在锅内, 调开麦芽糖, 盐,老抽及醋。
Discard most of the boiling water used for scalding the chicken, keep about 300ml boiling water in the wok, pour in the Crispy skin coloring ingredients, stir to dissolve.

5.  不断的重复往鸡皮上冲,至皮挂上色。
 Keep bathing the hot mixture onto the chicken's skin until skin colored.

6.  把上好色料的鸡挂起, 用电风扇吹4~6小时至鸡皮乾锢。 天气热时, 请挂在冷气房内吹风扇。
Hang the colored chicken in front of a spinning electric fan for 4~6 hours or until skin dried, keep this procedure in an air conditioned room during hot season.

6.  把吹干皮的鸡挂进预热的 炭烤炉内,先烤背面30分钟, 在转过来烤胸面30分钟。
Hang the dried chicken in the preheated charcoal stove, roasting the back first for 30 minutes, then another 30 minutes for the breast side or until finely done.

7. 如果用电烤箱, 先把烤箱用上下火预热至200度C, 把鸡放在烤盘的内烤架上,鸡胸向上,盖上铝箔,先烤50分钟,
If you are using an electric oven, preheat the oven using BAKE mode (upper and lower heating) to 200 degree C, place the chicken in breast up position in a roasting pan lined with a metal rack, preferably a V rack, cover the chicken with aluminum foil, bake for 50 minutes. 

8.  50分钟后,这时可以选择用油炸法或是继续用烤箱烤。如用油炸法, 把鸡放进热油中炸至鸡皮金黄香脆即可。(炸时不停的把热油淋在鸡只上)如用烤箱,把温度调至180度C,去掉铝箔, 把鸡翻过背面, 继续烤15分钟。从第12分钟开始, 要注意鸡皮的情况,不要烤焦。
After 50 minutes, you can option for deep frying the chicken until the chicken's skin is crispy or continue to roast the chicken in the oven. To continue roasting, lower the oven's temperature to 180 degree C , then remove the foil, turn the chicken around (back up) and continue baking for another 15 minutes. Keep an eye on the chicken after 12th  minute of baking to prevent over burnt.

如发现有的部位已经烤的比较深色, 可用铝箔遮起,以免烧焦, 继续再烤别的部位。

Cover the darken chicken part with foil to prevent over burnt and continue the roasting process until done.

9. 之后再翻,把胸面向上, 再烤20分钟或至上色。
 Later turn the chicken breast up and bake for another 20 minutes or until the skin is done.

如发现有的部位已经烤的比较深色, 可用铝箔遮起, 继续再烤别的部位。

Cover the darken part with foil and continue roasting until done.


Hang up the roasted chicken to prevent soaking in the gravy to achieve crispy skin result. Cut and serve the chicken after cooled.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

挂炉脆皮烤鸭(Crispy Roasted Duck) / 烤箱烤鸭

邱妈咪前些日子买了个二手的火炭不锈钢烤炉。 一直以来都是用电烤箱烤鸡鸭, 这次为清明节祭祖,试用炭烤炉做了3只烤鸭。 因为是要祭祖用的, 所以还蛮紧张即将出炉的烤鸭的成品。。。

成品的色泽看起来还不错, 不过是总觉的成色方面还是有些待改进的空间。 其实做法不难, 前提是如果你是有兴趣的话。 下次要试试烤脆皮烧肉了, 还有叉烧。。。。
Mommy Khoo has recently bought a second hand stainless steel Charcoal Roasting Oven and tried using this charcoal oven to roast 3 ducks for Ching Ming Festival.  Before this Mommy Khoo used to roast using electric oven. The outcome was considered satisfactory with room for improvement. Anyway you still can use an electric oven to roast the duck, will try to use this charcoal stuff to make Crispy Roasted Pork Belly and Char Siew one day.... 


(A) 在一小碗内混合以下腌料:(In a container, mix together:)
       盐- 1汤匙( Salt - 1 Tablespoon)
       糖- 1汤匙(Sugar - 1 Tablespoon)
       酱油 - 1汤匙(Soy sauce - 1 Tablespoon)
       黑胡椒粉- 1茶匙 (Black pepper - 1 teaspoon)
       五香粉- 1茶匙 (5 spice - 1 teaspoon)
       花雕酒- 2汤匙  (Yellow rice wine - 2 tablespoon)
       八角 -  3 颗 ( star anise - 3 pieces)
       搅烂: 姜- 2cm, 蒜头2瓣, 乾葱2颗或半颗洋葱。(如果取得方便, 多加几片南姜和2粒砂姜下去搅风味会更佳)(Blend together: 2cm-ginger root, 2 cloves Garlic, 2 pieces shallot/or half an onion, add in a few slices of Lengkuas and  Cekur root to blend if available)

1.  把(A) 料倒入洗净的鸭肚腔内平均涂开, 用钢签在肚内肉厚的部位刺几下让腌料容易渗透。力道可要拿捏好, 小心可别把鸭皮刺穿喔!更别刺伤自己的手。
Pour mixture (A) into the duck's cavity and rub evenly. From inside the cavity, use a skewer to poke several times, especially the breast (thick) part to ensure a better marinate process.  Be careful not to puncture the duck's skin and hurt yourself accidentally.

2.  用钢签或竹签把开膛的部位别上(缝密)。收在冰箱内隔夜, 或最少腌3小时。把腌好的鸭子挂好, 就可以开始烫鸭的步骤了。
Pin up the opening using a skewer and let the duck sitting in the refrigerator overnight or at least 3 hours. After which we can start the scalding procedure.

3. 烫皮:在炒菜锅内烧开1500ml的水,把鸭子浸在滚水内一分钟,翻面,继续烫一分钟, 或重复至鸭皮紧缩。
Bathe the duck in a wok  boiling water (1500ml) for 1 minute,  turn the duck and repeat bathing the duck with the boiling water for another minute or until the duck's skin shrank tight.

脆皮上色料: (Crispy Skin Coloring)
热水- 300cc    (Hot water - 300ml)
红麴米 - 2汤匙/没有红麴米就用1茶匙的老抽/黑酱油取代(2 tbspn red yeast rice or substitute with 1 tspn of dark soy sauce)
麦芽糖或蜜糖- 2 汤匙 (maltose syrup or honey - 2 tablespoon)
盐 -  1 茶匙  ( salt- 1 teaspoon)
白醋/水果醋 - 2 汤匙 (Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 Tablespoon)

4.  把烫好鸭皮的沸水倒剩下大概一碗(300cc)的分量在锅内, 放进红麴米浸泡一会, 水转红色后把红麴米捞掉,再加入麦芽糖, 盐, 及醋。不断的重复往鸭皮上冲至皮上色。
Discard most of the boiling water used for scalding the duck, keep about 300ml boiling water in the wok, boil the red yeast rice for a minute, then discard the red yeast  rice when the water turns red. Pour in the other Crispy skin coloring ingredients, stir to dissolve. Keep bathing the hot mixture onto the duck's skin a few times until skin colored.

5.  把上好色料的鸭子挂起, 用电风扇吹4~6小时至鸭皮乾锢。 天气热时, 请挂在冷气房内吹风扇。
Hang the colored duck in front of a spinning electric fan for 4~6 hours or until skin dried, keep this procedure in an air conditioned room during hot season.

6.  把吹干皮的鸭挂进预热的烤炉内,先烤背面30分钟, 在转过来烤胸面30分钟。
Hang the dried duck in the preheated charcoal stove, roasting the back first for 30 minutes, then another 30 minutes for the breast side or until finely done.

如果用电烤箱, 先把烤箱用上下火预热至200度C, 把鸭子放在烤盘内的烤架上,鸭胸向上,盖上铝箔纸,先烤30分钟至鸭半熟后, 去掉铝箔, 把鸭子翻过背面, 继续烤20分钟。 之后再翻,把胸面向上,将鸭翅尖、鸭腿尖比细小已经上色的部位用锡纸包裹住, 再烤20分钟或继续烤至鸭身上色即可。
If you are using an electric oven, preheat the oven using BAKE mode (upper and lower heating) to 200 degree C, place the duck breast up in a roasting pan lined with a metal rack, preferably a V rack, cover the duck with aluminum foil, bake for 30 minutes. Remove the foil, turn the duck around (back up) and continue baking for anotherb20 minutes. Later turn the duck breast up (Wrap the wings and thighs with foil to avoid burning) and bake for another 20 minutes or until the skin is done. 

邱妈咪在炭炉内加了一把龙眼果木(家里种了十多棵的龙眼果树,可以就地取材), 香气真的是不一样喔!