用调理机打面团, 快速,简单又有效! 只是全部材料(除了油)都要先冷冻, 因为调理机很容易升温, 所以全部材料都要够冷, 才不会遇热变熟。
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比较健康的全麦披萨皮(用20%的全麦粉取得同等份的面粉即可) |
300g 冷面粉或全麦面粉或混合一些全麦面粉。/300 g chilled all-purpose flour or wholemeal flour or part of wholemeal flour.
2 茶匙即发酵母 /2 tspn instant Yeast
1 汤匙糖 /1 Tablespoon Sugar
3/4茶匙盐. / 3/4 tspn salt
3汤匙温水(1汤匙滚水 + 2汤匙冷水)/45g warm water(1Tbspn hot water+ 2 tbspn tap water)
135ml 冰水 / 135g icy cold water
2 汤匙橄榄油或食油 /2 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil
为了确保制作成功, 第一步要先醒酵母,以确定酵母是活性的 :先调 1 汤匙热水+2汤匙冷水。 再加2茶匙 酵母 + 1茶匙面粉充分溶解,置放10分钟至绵密发泡。 如果酵母沉淀在水底, 没有发泡,则酵母已经过期, 需要换过新的有效酵母了。
To ensure yeast is active : Mix1 tablespoon Hot water + 2 tablespoon Tap water , then add 2 teaspoons yeast + 1 teaspoon flour, fully dissolved and rest for 10 minutes until a foamy texture is produced. Otherwise the yeast is expired and you need to use a new batch of yeast.
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把调理机装好,把所有干材料放进调理机的盆内, 再进入油, 接着倒进已经醒好的酵母, 装上盖子, 开动机器, 慢慢倒入冰水, 继续搅打至混合料成团,接着继续搅打一分钟。(总共搅打大约2分钟) |
In the Food Processor bowl, combine flour,sugar, oil and salt. Stir in dissolved yeast. Start the FP machine, slowly pour in the icy water. Keep the machine running until a dough ball is formed. Keep the kneading process for 1~2 minutes.
如果您没有食物调理机也没问题, 可以用您那双万能的手喔! 如果用手搓, 材料就不需要先冷冻了, 全用用温水。
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把全部材料放进大碗内先用筷子拌均后, 再用手搓揉至柔软及不黏手(大约 5 ~ 8 分钟) |
Use your multitask pair of hands to combine the ingredients if you do not own a food processor as shown in above pictures! Do not need to refrigerate the ingredients, use warm water instead of ice water. Knead the dough until elastic and non sticky (about 5 ~ 8 minutes)
1. 接着把面团取出来, 在撒些面粉的大钢盆里稍微搓揉30下, 滚圆, 盖起发酵至双倍大,大约45分钟。
Take out the dough, knead in a lightly floured mixing bowl until smooth and elastic, about 30 strokes. Covered; let rise in warm place until doubled, about 45 minutes.
2. 把发酵至双倍大的面团轻压排气,
Punch dough down. Remove dough to lightly floured surface. Shape, top and bake as desired.
3. 然后分割成2~3团(依烤盘的大小),滚圆后休面10分钟。
4. 把休息了10分钟的面团 压扁,放进搽了油的烤盘内, 把边边弄高起来,再盖起发酵30分钟。
Lightly oil 1 (14-inch) or 2 (12-inch) round pizza pan(s). Shape dough into smooth ball. Divide and roll dough to fit desired pan(s).
3. 进入烤箱前先用叉子在面团上刺些洞孔,以免烘烤时面团会“大肚子”。 先用180度C烤8~10分钟至面团表面微微金黄色, 取出面皮,搽上披萨酱, 排入披萨料后再烤8 ~10 分钟即可。
Let the dough stand for 30 minutes before baking at 200 degrees C for 8 to 10 minutes or until slightly browned.
Then top pizza as desired. Bake again for 8 minutes at 200 degree C. Baking time depends on type of cheese and selected toppings.
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在家自己制作番茄红酱/basic tomato red sauce |
**Pizza Dough fits the following pans: 1 (15 x 10-inch) baking pan, 1 (13 x 9-inch) baking pan, 1 (14-inch) or 2 (9-inch) deep-dish pan(s). For individual pizzas, shape dough into 6 or 8 (7-inch) rounds and place on 2 greased baking sheets.
Garlic and Herb Pizza Dough: add 2 teaspoons Sweet Basil, Oregano (leaves), or Rosemary and 1 clove finely minced garlic along with dry ingredients.
Cornmeal Pizza Dough: Replace 1/2 cup all-purpose flour with cornmeal.
Whole Wheat Pizza Dough: Replace 1 cup all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour.
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